What's Been Going on in 3rd Grade

Hello all!  We have been busy in 3rd grade.  We have finished up learning character traits at the end of September.  The students then read a book of their choice & answered questions about the character in their book & drew a picture.  They shared their Character Bag in a group with their classmates! When students were finished they filled out a rubric to self assess themselves.

We have started to learn  comprehension strategies to use while we are reading.  These are the "toolbox" to our learning.  One strategy we have been working on is Schema, which is our prior knowldge.  To start off our study of schema, they needed to tell one memory they have & added it to our schema anchor chart. They had also put up a piece of tissue paper in the girls head to remember the stuff in our brain sticks in our head!

 Then we finished up the week with our web of learning.  We read abook on spiders.  As I read students needed to write, Before Reading-  What do you already know about spiders?  During-  What are some new things you have learned?  & After Reading-  What is something you thought you knew but your learning has changed?  Then we made a circle and each child had to recall one thing they learned from reading our Spider book.  The kids had a blast doing this activity!

In Science we have started learning about STEM (S-Science, T-Technology, E-Engineering & M-Mathematics).  We did The Oreo Chalenge to introduce STEM.  They rules were they were only allowed to use oreos & it had to be free standing.  Students had to collaborate together a plan of how to build their tower.  Then they tried many different ways to build their tower. Some tried taking the white middle out & using it as "glue", others just put oreos on top of each other, while some built their like a tower.  After we made our towers we measured them & recorded our data.  Finally they used computers & ipads to research the best way to build their towers.  I will start sending home a STEM challenge a month to work on as a family!!

Finally, we have started researching the planets.  The students each picked one planet & worked in groups to research that planet.  Next week we will be working with the Chrome books to put together a presentation using Google Slides.  Students will present their presentation to their classmates.

This week we will kick off Red Ribbon Week.  We will discuss the importance of not doing drugs.  Here is the activites for each day.

Thanks for stopping by!  I will try to be better with posting about our days in third grade!  Be looking for Brag Tags & Camp Share -a- Story!!

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